Discover the “magic” of allergy drops!!! Nearly ten years ago, Clarity Allergy Center began offering sublingual allergy drops as a way to desensitize a person to their environmental allergies. The results were simply stunning for many patients. Symptoms literally disappeared within days of starting treatment. Over the last ten years-...
Archive for category: Allergy Drops
I am very curious about pet allergy drops. Can you share any additional information?
How effective are allergy drops?
The results obtained from allergy drops can be astonishing. Many patients find it hard to believe how well they work. The response depends on the type of allergens being treated. We have broken down the response rates based on the common environmental allergies treated. Not everyone will have such...
Are allergy drops FDA approved?
There are two forms of sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) FDA-approved sublingual allergy tablets Out of the approximately 45 different allergens that are used for traditional immunotherapy with allergy shots, there are FDA- approved sublingual allergy tablets for three different allergens- dust mite, ragweed, and grass. These three commercially available products...
Are there any additional benefits of allergy drops?
Allergy drops can decrease the full range of environmental allergy symptoms- including eye, nasal symptoms and asthma symptoms. Allergy drops can prevent or reduce the need for multiple medications (allergy eye drops, anti-histamines, nasal sprays, and inhalers). Allergy drops can change the natural course of a persons’ allergies, inducing...
Why don’t many allergists offer allergy drops to their patients?
Why does Clarity Allergy Center offer allergy drops?
We recognized the potential that allergy drops offered many years ago. With sky rocketing health care deductibles, many people do not want to pay for the significant out of pocket expenses of allergy shots. We strive to make allergy drops affordable for as many people as possible. Often times,...
What is the schedule for starting allergy drops?
Patients will have an allergy consultation and allergy skin testing at the initial visit. Based on those results, we will make a customized allergy vaccine in our in-house lab. Patients then follow up to receive their first dose of the allergy drops in the office. Although allergic reactions to...
How much do allergy drops cost?
Allergy drops are not covered by most health insurance plans. The actual price depends on the number of allergens used in the formulation. The yearly cost will range from $450 for single allergen allergy drops up to $1100 for the entire allergen panel. Our goal is to make allergy...
Can allergy drops prevent the development of asthma?
How safe are allergy drops?
Which are more effective, allergy shots or allergy drops?
We have included a link to the position paper released by the World Allergy Organization on sublingual immunotherapy. The organization is comprised of experts in the field of Allergy and Immunology throughout the world. I will also include some of the pertinent highlights from the position paper: «...
Are there any contraindications to starting allergy drops?
Patients with severe, uncontrolled asthma should not be started on allergy drops. Patients with well controlled mild to moderate asthma can be started on allergy drops. An allergic inflammatory condition of the esophagus called Eosinophilic Esophagitis is a contraindication to allergy drops. If you notice worsening abdominal pain, difficulty...
At what age can a person start allergy drops?
Conditions & Treatments
- Allergic Rhinitis – Hay Fever
- Allergy Shots
- Aspirin NSAIDs Allergies
- Asthma
- Atopic Dermatitis Eczema
- Child Nasal Allergies
- Chronic Cough
- Chronic Sinusitis
- Chronic Throat Clearing
- Contact Dermatitis
- Headache Remedies – Natural Treatment
- Hives Urticaria
- Immunotherapy
- Insect Allergies
- Mold Allergies
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- Penicillin Allergy – Chicago
- Pet Allergies
- Post Nasal Drip
- Sleep Apnea